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CPAP使用會員聯繫窗口 陳先生
[email protected]

2024協會新會務聯繫 白先生
[email protected]

續壓呼吸儀(CPAP Device)使用須知

1. 血壓過低。
2. 氣胸或肺縱隔充氣。
3. 嚴重的肺氣腫或氣胸引發的肺氣腫。
4. 鼻出血或先前鼻部大量出血。
5. 代償性的心臟缺血症,低血壓,特別是血流量不足及心律不整的患者。
6. 顱顏部位的外傷,或最近手術後留下的顱內及鼻咽腔內的瘺管。
7. 過敏性鼻竇炎,耳炎,中耳炎,或是鼓膜有隙孔。
8. 嚴重的幽閉恐懼症患者。

Precautions for use: The GoodKnight 420Evolution must be used with caution when patients have the following conditions:
1. Extremely low blood pressure.
2. pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum.
3. Severe bullous emphysema or emphysema previously complicated by pneumothorax.
4. Massive epistaxis or previous massive epistaxis.
5. Decompensated cardiac insufficiency or hypotension, especially in cases of depletion in blood volume or cardiac rhythm disorder.
6. Pneumo encephalus, traumatism,or recent surgery with the after effect of a cranio-nasopharyngeal fistula.
7. Acute sinusitis, otitis media,or perforation of the tympanic membrane.
8. Severe claustrophobia.

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